Thin Wall Symphony

date: Thursday September 15, 21:00 h / 09:00 P.M.
location: Zuiderzeeweg 30-40, Amsterdam
free entry

The Thin Wall Symphony is a spectacular open-air sound performance, based on the experience of living at ZZW (Zuiderzeeweg student housing), in houses where the sound of the neighbours is ever present.

At ZZW, 240 students live in close proximity of each other, in temporary residences of the former Asylum seekers’ center (AZC). Built originally as an AZC, no money was spent on comfort or privacy. Houses are cheaply built, making the presence of fellow residents an inescapable fact. At ZZW the sounds of the lives of others are inevitable.

The Thin Wall Symphony makes use of dozens of microphones and a 20 speaker p.a. system to turn the small everyday sounds that people make into a powerful 20 minute composition that creates an immersive spatial experience and an overwhelming sensation of nearness.

Surrounded by water and bridges, tram line 26 forms the umbilical cord that connects ZZW to the city. The Thin Wall Symphony is performed in sync with the coming and going of the tram. Line 26 conducts the Thin Wall Symphony. At the tramstop Zuiderzeeweg a three-piece choir leads the performance by reporting on the events taking place there.

Thin Wall Symphony is part of The Windy Wooh!, a project by visual artists Sylvie Zijlmans & Hewald Jongenelis.
Thin Wall Symphony is developed in collaboration with Merle Havas, Jacob Drescher, Christian Johannes, Simón Palazzi Andreu and Matild Clerc-Verhoeven.

The Windy Wooh! is made possible with support of the mondriaan fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and the City of Amsterdam District East.